Lua string to int

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How can I convert a string to an integer in Lua? Thank you.

I have a string like this:

a = "10"

I would like it to be converted to 10, the number.

2012-06-09 15:09
by David Gomes
The precise link is the section on coercion: 5.1, 5.2 - lhf 2012-06-09 18:53
@NicolBolas: +1 for asking a question that is the first Google result and provides a straight-to-the point answer - ereOn 2014-10-09 18:52
+1 to compensate this biting troll Nicol : - Петър Петров 2014-10-27 14:02
Lua just does automatically conversion between strings and numbers. If you want ensure the type, use a = tonumber(a) - xpol 2016-02-26 03:52


Use the tonumber function. As in a = tonumber("10").

2012-06-09 15:14
by Nicol Bolas
In Lua 5.3, (64-bit default) integers are treated accordingly ( "A numeric constant with a fractional dot or an exponent denotes a float; otherwise it denotes an integer. - Kevin Lee 2015-03-19 15:10


You can force an implicit conversion by using a string in an arithmetic operations as in a= "10" + 0, but this is not quite as clear or as clean as using tonumber explicitly.

2012-06-09 18:52
by lhf
Nope, it'll convert "10" to integer and then add 0 to it. (The lack of clarity is all the more reason to use tonumber instead, though! - Rena 2015-06-28 06:32
@Rena, there's no lack in clarity. + is always explicitly addition, .. - concatenation - Oleg V. Volkov 2016-02-20 12:36
@lhf: auto coercion will only work on numbers. And comparison operators (== ~= < > <= >=) do not convert their arguments. And for performance reasons you should avoid relying on automatic coercion too muc - wsha 2018-09-20 07:36


All numbers in Lua are floats (edit: Lua 5.2 or less). If you truly want to convert to an "int" (or at least replicate this behavior), you can do this:

local function ToInteger(number)
    return math.floor(tonumber(number) or error("Could not cast '" .. tostring(number) .. "' to number.'"))

In which case you explicitly convert the string (or really, whatever it is) into a number, and then truncate the number like an (int) cast would do in Java.

Edit: This still works in Lua 5.3, even thought Lua 5.3 has real integers, as math.floor() returns an integer, whereas an operator such as number // 1 will still return a float if number is a float.

2014-08-28 15:08
by Stormswept


local a = "10"
local num = tonumber(a)


2015-03-26 16:34
by NoName


say the string you want to turn into a number is in the variable S


provided that there are numbers and only numbers in S it will return a number, but if there are any characters that are not numbers (except periods for floats) it will return nil

2015-03-12 16:36
by CORE craftX


The clearer option is to use tonumber.

As of 5.3.2, this function will automatically detect (signed) integers, float (if a point is present) and hexadecimal (both integers and floats, if the string starts by "0x" or "0X").

The following snippets are shorter but not equivalent :

  • a + 0 -- forces the conversion into float, due to how + works.
  • a | 0 -- (| is the bitwise or) forces the conversion into integer. 
    -- However, unlike `math.tointeger`, it errors if it fails.
2016-04-29 18:13
by 4xel


I would recomend to check Hyperpolyglot, has an awesome comparison:

ps. Actually Lua converts into doubles not into ints.

The number type represents real (double-precision floating-point) numbers.

2014-11-28 16:19
by Marcs


You can make an accessor to keep the "10" as int 10 in it.


x = tonumber("10")

if you print the x variable, it will output an int 10 and not "10"

same like Python process

x = int("10")


2015-07-12 09:19
by user5555332


It should be noted that math.floor() always rounds down, and therefore does not yield a sensible result for negative floating point values.

For example, -10.4 represented as an integer would usually be either truncated or rounded to -10. Yet the result of math.floor() is not the same:

math.floor(-10.4) => -11

For truncation with type conversion, the following helper function will work:

function tointeger( x )
    num = tonumber( x )
    return num < 0 and math.ceil( num ) or math.floor( num )


2018-07-17 18:05
by Leslie Krause


Lua 5.3.1  Copyright (C) 1994-2015, PUC-Rio
> math.floor("10");
> tonumber("10");
> "10" + 0;
> "10" | 0;
2018-07-01 14:49
by Viacheslav


here is what you should put

local stringnumber = "10"
local a = tonumber(stringnumber)
print(a + 10)


2016-12-16 22:41
by theresaspyaroundhere
a = tonumber(stringnumber) is sufficen - wsha 2018-09-20 07:29