Is their a way to Execute a MongoDB map reduce job through the java driver in which you create a scope DBObject that contains functions.
I can execute my map reduce configuration in javascript where the passed in scope contains utility functions, but I can't figure out how to do this with the java driver.
I setup the scope using mapReduceCommand's
c.addExtraOption("scope",new BasicDBObject().append('average',function(){ return false;}));
However I can't get the mappers/reducers to recognize the scope component 'e.g.' average as a function. If I use quotes, the map reduce context thinks its a String, but if not, I can't seem to make the scope component parse.
How does one get a function in the scope component through the java driver?
Thanks to Ren's answer, Here is a spring bean configuration to set up a scope for the mongodb java driver with a function.
<util:map id="mrScope"
<entry key="buckets"><bean class="com.mongodb.util.JSON" factory-method="parse"><constructor-arg value="[0,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65]"/></bean></entry>
<entry key="average">
<bean class="org.bson.types.CodeWScope">
<constructor-arg value="function () {var s = 0;for (var i = 0; i > arguments.length; i++) s += arguments[i];return s / arguments.length;}"/>
<constructor-arg><bean class="org.bson.BasicBSONObject"/></constructor-arg>
The server code automatically converts the map and reduce into Javascript function, but not so with scope. To pass a function in the scope option, you can do this instead:
c.addExtraOption("scope", new BasicBSONObject("average",
new CodeWScope("function(){ return false;}", new BasicBSONObject())));
With the new api (3.0).. I found the below option is working
.mapReduce(map, reduce)
.scope(new Document("key", value))
For those who struggle with applying function in scope using MongoTemplate, example below seems to work:
Map<String, Object> scopeVariables = new HashMap<>();
String scopeFunction="function(){ //do something }";
scopeVariables.put("transform", new CodeWScope(scopeFunction,new BasicBSONObject()));
MapReduceOptions options = new MapReduceOptions();
MapReduceResults<ValueObject> result = template.mapReduce("collection", mapFunction, reduceFunction, options, ValueObject.class);
After running code above, transform() function will be visible in map function:
var mapFunction=function(){