I've been told that it's best to place Javascript code in a separate file to keep concerns separated, and while the idea resonates with me, I don't find it practical.
That may just be my inexperience, hence this question.
Here's a clear cut example where I found that placing the code in the View was better than placing it in a separate javascript file.
In my View, I needed to invoke a JQueryUI dialog, and set the title dynamically with the Name of my model.
$("#thumbs img").click(function () {
var url = $(this).attr("src");
$(".image-popup").attr("src", url);
return $("#image-popup").dialog({
modal: true,
closeOnEscape: true,
minHeight: 384,
minWidth: 596,
resizable: false,
show: {
effect: 'slide',
duration: 500,
direction: 'up'
hide: {
effect: 'slide',
duration: 250,
direction: 'up'
title: '@Model.Product.Name'
title: '@Model.Product.Name'
As you can see I have access to the strongly typed model if I use Javascript in my View. This is not the case if I use a separate Javascript file.
Am I doing this wrong, is there something I'm not seeing?
If I were to use a separate file, how would it look like seeing as I can't access the Model properties from within the Javascript file?
Separate js file:
<div id="thumbs">
<img data-dialog-title="@Model.Product.Name" src="[whatever url]" />
$("#thumbs img").click(function () {
var title = $(this).data('dialog-title');
var url = $(this).attr("src");
$(".image-popup").attr("src", url);
return $("#image-popup").dialog({
modal: true,
closeOnEscape: true,
minHeight: 384,
minWidth: 596,
resizable: false,
show: {
effect: 'slide',
duration: 500,
direction: 'up'
hide: {
effect: 'slide',
duration: 250,
direction: 'up'
title: title
Access the model properties unobtrusively through the dom using HTML5 data-* attributes. The javascript above will work perfectly fine as an external file.
If you cannot use the aforementioned HTML5 data attributes, then perhaps http://nuget.org/packages/RazorJS will do the trick, seems like it could solve your problem.