error using c#mail.dll

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I'm trying to read through a gmail account to get gps data that is being sent there ( in the text of a email) from an moble phone (my phone)

using (Pop3Client cl = new Pop3Client())
                cl.UserName = "crash893";
                cl.Password = "password";
                cl.ServerName = "";
                cl.AuthenticateMode = Pop3AuthenticateMode.Pop;
                cl.Ssl = true;
                ///Get first mail of my mailbox
                Pop3Message mg = cl.GetMessage(1);  <<<<<<<<<< ERROR
                String MyText = mg.BodyText;
                ///If the message have one attachment
                Pop3Content ct = mg.Contents[0];
                ///you can save it to local disk

but I get a exception on the "get first mail of mailbox message

"Higuchi.Net.Pop3.Pop3ConnectException: Pop3 connection is closed
at Higuchi.Net.Pop3.Pop3Client.SendCommand(String inCommand)
at Higuchi.Net.Pop3.Pop3Client.Execute(String inCommand, Boolean inIsMultiLine)
at Higuchi.Net.Pop3.Pop3Client.Execute(Pop3Command inCommand)
at Higuchi.Net.Pop3.Pop3Client.GetMessage(Int64 inMailIndex)"}

Ideally what i would like to do is open this read all the new unread emails in this account for a certain subject line then read the data in the body and mark them as read

does anyone know why its erroring out

does anyone have any experince with c#mail that hey could point me in the right direction for reading and makring emails as read etc

2009-06-16 20:07
by Crash893


        using (Pop3Client cl = new Pop3Client())
            cl.UserName = "ewgsdssw";
            cl.Password = "sdgwsegw";
            cl.ServerName = "";
            cl.AuthenticateMode = Pop3AuthenticateMode.Pop;
            cl.Port = 995;
            cl.Ssl = true;
            ///Get first mail of my mailbox
            int total = Convert.ToInt16(cl.GetTotalMessageCount());

            while (total >= 1)
                Pop3Message mg = cl.GetMessage(total);
                if (mg.Subject == "I am Here")

                    //(+/- 76 metres.)

                    string location = mg.BodyText;
                    location = location.Replace("","~");
                    location = location.Replace("metres.)\r\n\r\n","~");

                    location = location.Split('~')[1];

                    location = location.Replace("(+/- ", ",");
                    location = location.Replace("\r\n", "");

                    string[] data = location.Split(',');
                    string lat = data[0];
                    string lon = data[1];
                    string res = data[2];
                    DateTime time = mg.Date;

                    textBox1.AppendText(string.Format("Lat: {0} LON: {1} Res: {2} TIME: {3}\r\n",lat,lon,res,time.ToString()));



2009-06-16 21:12
by Crash893
You should probably make total a long (not int), and get rid of Convert.ToInt16 - SLaks 2009-06-16 21:19


It is not possible to mark emails as read using the POP protocol.

Try using IMAP.

2009-06-16 20:13
by SLaks
are you sure? how does outlook do it via pop3 - Crash893 2009-06-16 20:16
do you have a easy to use free imap client - Crash893 2009-06-16 20:54
Outlook does not do it via POP3. When you mark a message as read in Outlook, it updates a local database. The only interaction between Outlook and the POP server is to download the message in the first place - SLaks 2009-06-16 20:59
To do this using IMAP, you'll also need to reconfigure Outlook on your phone to connect to Gmail using IMAP - SLaks 2009-06-16 21:01
You can find a .Net IMAP client here: Or, try searching Stack Overflow or Googl - SLaks 2009-06-16 21:05


cl.Port = 995;

2009-06-16 20:15
by Crash893


I do not have experience with C#Mail, and this answer may not help, but I've experienced weirdness in the past while trying to write email send/receive related code.

Turned out the antivirus software we were running at work had a whitelist of allowed .EXE's that could make in/outbound POP3 or SMTP connections. Any chance this is your problem?

2009-06-16 20:14
by Yoopergeek