I had a perfect working Google Map, connecting to my Fusion Tables, with nice searchbar. until... I added the new Google Maps Weather Layer this morning.
After that the autocomplete searchbar/Google Places stopped working.
I tried everything possible, I think, today, to fix it.
See http://www.strahlen.org/map/mapweathertest.htm
Could someone please check what I'm doing wrong? Or is this a bug outside of my influence?
Cheers! Frank
You've included the maps-API 3 times.(you should receive a console-warning for that)
This is sufficient to include the API and both libraries(places+weather):
<script type="text/javascript"
The autocomplete will work too after the modification.
I am in a class that is creating a mobile map of our campus. We are using Fusion Tables, and Google Maps. What intrigued me was how you incorporated the check boxes for Active/ old mine Active/ old quarry Dump Natural outcrop Museum Collector Shop/Dealer Club Fair Lab Other. How did you do that? Are each of those layers using .kml, or did you just use one Fusion table, and had a column that was "type" with each of those where given an "id"?
What we are thinking of having visible on the map all of the buildings, but adding emergency box locations, OneCard locations, and perhaps vending machines. How might we implement what you have done on our map?
Currently this is the demo page: Fitchburg State University Mobile Demo