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$(function() {
    setInterval(function() {
        $.get("refresh.php", function(result) {
    }, 5000);

actually my script hits refresh.php every 5seconds in refresh.php i fetch data from mysql db and create a template like:


I checked on firebug my refresh.php send response only once after 5seconds but on all browsers it shows the result two times like:

2012-04-05 21:45
by PHP Ferrari


It shows the result twice because you're putting it there twice: First using html, then using append:

$(function() {
    setInterval(function() {
        $.get("refresh.php", function(result) {
            .html(result)                 // <==== Here
            $("#response").append(result) // <==== And here
    }, 5000);

html replaces the content of the element with the markup (or element[s]) you supply (there's no need for empty prior to using it). append appends the markup (or element[s]) you supply to the element.

You want one or the other. I'd go with html:

$(function() {
    setInterval(function() {
        $.get("refresh.php", function(result) {
    }, 5000);
2012-04-05 21:48
by T.J. Crowder
oops thanks budd - PHP Ferrari 2012-04-05 21:49


Use the following

$.get("refresh.php", function(result) {

2012-04-05 21:50
by Krishna Deepak
why downvoted this answe - Krishna Deepak 2012-04-05 21:55