Given a string such as: "2.jpg 3 Pic.png 4 Pic For.gif ..." I need to get each image name. Ideally, with regex, I'd start at the period, then count 3 characters, and voila.
What I've got so far trims the file type too, I want to preserve that, since it varies.
var words = $(".Input_Field").val().split(/\..{3} /g);
The above produces:
"2,3 Pic,4 Pic For, ..."
I want the extension back;
"2.jpg,3 Pic.png,4 Pic For.gif, ..."
Just to clarify, the issue is that the filename has spaces, and there's a space after the extension. What I have going for me is that extensions will always be .xxx .
Any tips?
(/(.*?..{3}) /g)
Produces empties almost every other array item (not quite), easy to get rid of with an if clause.
Thanks everyone!
Try match instead of split.
var words = $(".Input_Field").val().match(/(\S.*?\..{3})/g)