I'm looking to pass the value selected in the drop box when I click submit. Instead, it's passing a null value and I'm confused as to why. Any help is appreciated!!
Namespace DHR
Public Class WorkSampleController
Inherits System.Web.Mvc.Controller
Private dbQ As QuarterDBContext = New QuarterDBContext
Private db As WorkSampleDBContext = New WorkSampleDBContext
Function Index() As ViewResult
Dim quarterList As New List(Of String)()
Dim QuarterQry = From d In dbQ.getQuarter
Order By d.ID
Select d.Quarter
ViewBag.Quarter = New SelectList(quarterList)
Return View(db.WorkSample.ToList())
End Function
Function Index(ByVal quarterID As Integer) As ActionResult
Dim quarter As String = "null"
If quarterID = 1 Then
quarter = "Dec, Jan, Feb"
End If
ViewBag.test = quarter
Return View()
End Function
@ModelType IEnumerable(Of DHR.WorkSample)
ViewData("Title") = "Monitor"
Using (Html.BeginForm())
@<p> Type: @Html.DropDownList("SampleType")
Quarter: @Html.DropDownList("Quarter")
<input type="submit" value="Filter" /></p>
End Using
End Code
Are you sure your code does really pass inside your post method? Because when I began asp.net (1 month ago), I had a problem with it.
I solved this by replacing (Html.BeginForm()) by (Html.BeginForm(IsPost)).
I'm not sure whether it will do the trick or not.
I've also already used this :
Dim test1 As String = request("SampleType")
Dim test2 As String = request("Quarter")
Im not sure, but if you do it in C# you could use the FormCollection
as an inparameter to the ActionResult and get the value from there. this is how I would do it
public ActionResult Index(FormCollection coll){
var value1 = coll["SampleType"];
var value1 = coll["Quarter"];
Im sorry if it not works in VB but mabye its worth a shot?
Using (Html.BeginForm("Post","ViewFolder",FormMethod.get) - evglynn 2012-04-09 19:15