Why is the below Geb test failing with the below error. Can't I call to SearchPage
in the then block?
Condition not satisfied:
to SearchPage
at test.LogoutSpec.Verify that the logout takes the user to login page(LogoutSpec.groovy:35)
def "Verify that the logout takes the user to login page"()
given: "I successfully logged in to the application"
to LoginPage
loginClientCode = "testingclient"
loginSystemCode = "testingsystem"
loginUserId = "abc"
loginPassword = "password1"
at SearchPage
section == "Search Applications"
when: "I click Log Out link from user panel"
then: "I am redirected to the LoginPage"
at LoginPage
and: "My session is invalidated"
//TODO how to verify this
to SearchPage
The then
block is for assertions. If that helps, you can add another when-then and put to SearchPage
in the when