i found this jquery plugin for inline confirmation. i compress/combine all js files to one for optimize http request (this is manual). now top of this files is jquery Library 1.7.1 and then i put inline confirmation plugin. so this plugin not worked when Located in a file with jquery library. what's my problem ?
e.x : normal : Apart ( this Worked )
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/inline-confirmation.js"></script>
e.x : comperss to One File ( jquery + inline-confirmation ) Not Workk
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="./js/main.js"></script>
Inline confirmation plugin :
jQuery.fn.confirm = function(options) {
options = jQuery.extend({
msg: 'Are you sure?',
stopAfter: 'never',
wrapper: '<span></span>',
eventType: 'click',
dialogShow: 'show',
dialogSpeed: '',
timeout: 0
}, options);
options.stopAfter = options.stopAfter.toLowerCase();
if (!options.stopAfter in ['never', 'once', 'ok', 'cancel']) {
options.stopAfter = 'never';
options.buttons = jQuery.extend({
ok: 'Yes',
cancel: 'No',
wrapper:'<a href="#"></a>',
separator: '/'
}, options.buttons);
// Shortcut to eventType.
var type = options.eventType;
return this.each(function() {
var target = this;
var $target = jQuery(target);
var timer;
var saveHandlers = function() {
var events = jQuery.data(target, 'events');
if (!events && target.href) {
// No handlers but we have href
$target.bind('click', function() {document.location = target.href});
events = jQuery.data(target, 'events');
} else if (!events) {
// There are no handlers to save.
target._handlers = new Array();
for (var i in events[type]) {
// Create ok button, and bind in to a click handler.
var $ok = jQuery(options.buttons.wrapper)
.click(function() {
// Check if timeout is set.
if (options.timeout != 0) {
$target.unbind(type, handler);
// Rebind the saved handlers.
if (target._handlers != undefined) {
jQuery.each(target._handlers, function() {
// Trigger click event.
if (options.stopAfter != 'ok' && options.stopAfter != 'once') {
// Rebind the confirmation handler.
$target.one(type, handler);
return false;
var $cancel = jQuery(options.buttons.wrapper).append(options.buttons.cancel).click(function() {
// Check if timeout is set.
if (options.timeout != 0) {
if (options.stopAfter != 'cancel' && options.stopAfter != 'once') {
$target.one(type, handler);
return false;
if (options.buttons.cls) {
var $dialog = jQuery(options.wrapper)
var handler = function() {
// Do this check because of a jQuery bug
if (options.dialogShow != 'show') {
// Display the dialog.
if (options.timeout != 0) {
// Set timeout
timer = setTimeout(function() {$cancel.click(); $target.one(type, handler);}, options.timeout);
return false;
target._confirm = handler
target._confirmEvent = type;
$target.one(type, handler);
I agree with rgin that we probably need to see the entire file (and that you should probably keep it separate), but I think may just be that the file is cached. Hit ctrl-F5 or manually clear the cache.