How can I redirect all http traffic to https

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I am running Jenkins on squeeze through the default winstone container and I would like to redirect all calls to http://jenkins-server to https://jenkins-server. Is there a way I can do this without running Jenkins through apache, etc?

2012-04-05 18:11
by chrisst
I know it's been a few years, and I'm about to try this myself, but Jenkins runs on Tomcat, according to this documentation: It should be easy to modify the tomcat configuration to redirect - rleibman 2014-07-25 00:31
@rleibman That page isn’t here anymor - 3h4x 2017-10-11 11:28


At least you need something that would sit in port 80 and redirect browsers to https://jenkins-server. Jenkins does not have this capability built-in.

See Jenkins command-line options at

2012-04-05 19:59
by sti
Thanks, just bit the bullet and installed apache prox - chrisst 2012-04-06 16:26