publishing Grails plugins

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I'm trying to follow the new process for publishing Grails plugins. I've installed the latest version of the release plugin by adding the following to BuildConfig.groovy

plugins {
    build(":tomcat:$grailsVersion", ":release:1.0.1") {
        export = false

But when I try and execute the publish-plugin script, it tells me no such command exists:

c:\workspace\grails-flash-helper>grails publish-plugin
| Script 'PublishPlugin' not found, did you mean:
   1) ListPlugins_
   2) ListPluginUpdates
   3) PluginInfo_
   4) InstallPlugin
   5) UninstallPlugin

The source code of the plugin is here, in case anyone wants to take a look.

2012-04-05 17:03
by Dónal


That simply means the plugin hasn't been installed yet. Run grails compile or grails refresh-dependencies first.

BTW, to follow the new mechanism for publishing plugins, you need to use version 2.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT (or 2.0.0 when that's released) of the Release plugin. Version 1.0.1 won't work.

2012-04-05 17:24
by Peter Ledbrook
confirmed to be the correct solution for release plugin version 2 - Riccardo Cossu 2014-01-09 11:09