I have a structure called "uwb" in the base workspace. Under the uwb structure I have another structure called "channel". Under channel
I have got two variables, a
and b
. Now I want to create a subsystem. I want to mask the block. My problem is I have to use the variables a
and b
for the initialization of the masked subsystem. How can I include a
and b
in initialization commands of the subsystem while masking?
After creating a mask for the subsystem:
and maskb
). maska
and maskb
. Apply your changes close the mask editor window. uwb.channel.a
and uwb.channel.b
to assign their values to maska
and maskb
respectively. As long as the uwb
struct is in the base workspace when the model is initialized to run, the masked subsystem will evaluate and assign the a
and b
(I just tried it out and it seems to work fine, here is the model as a reference: http://sfwn.in/Fejp)