I am reading the IEEE Standard Verilog Hardware Description Language (specifically IEEE Std 1364-2001) which unambiguously defines and discusses simulatable Verilog. Unfortunately, the document does not touch upon the notion of synthesis.
I haven't been able to find a similar reference for synthesisable Verilog. All I find is vague rules, or unnecessarily restrictive ones.
Where can I learn the formal language of synthesisable Verilog?
IEEE 1364.1 is an adjunct to the 1364 Verilog standard titled Verilog Register Transfer Level Synthesis, which attempts to define a common synthesizable subset. However, as Jerry points out, different tools support different constructs, and to determine tool-specific behavior, you need to consult the tool documentation.
There isn't a formal (BNF-style) syntax definition for synthesizable Verilog. Whether code is synthesizable depends on usage as well as syntax. For example, the behavior described by an always construct with incomplete sensitivity, like always @(a) o = a || b
, isn't synthesizable. (Most tools will synthesize that code as if the sensitivity list were complete, resulting in a possible simulation/synthesis mismatch.)
Circuit constructs like latches and multiply-driven nets can be synthesized from a Verilog description, but are disallowed or discouraged under most design rules. There are also synthesizable constructs that are unsupported or inadvisable given the choice of target library. For example, describing a RAM that's larger than the maximum supported by a chosen FPGA technology, or describing tri-state drivers when they aren't present in the target library.
The general constructs to stick to for synthesizable Verilog are:
statements)always @*
The safest coding style for sequential logic is to code only reset logic in the sequential always block:
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
if (reset)
q <= reset_value;
q <= next_value;
However, if you're careful, you can code additional combinational logic in the sequential block. A common case where it may make sense to do this is a mux in front of a flop:
always @(posedge clk)
if (!sel)
q <= sel0_value;
else if (sel)
q <= sel1_value;
q <= 'bx;