I've done my research and narrowed this down. OK, so I am deciding on the language and and tool to use for backend (server side) of developing cloud based android applications.. I've decided on Google App Engine as my framework. As I am going to be developing on my android tablet I want a cloud based IDE. (I am going to use a native android IDE app for client side).
App Engine supports the Go Programming Language, Java and Python. As there doesn't appear to be a stable cloud IDE that supports Go, I am left with Java & Python. I've narrowed my vast list of IDEs down to:
Coderbuddy - (Designed for App Engine but Python only) exo Cloud - (Java & Python supported) Cloud 9 - (Java & Python supported)
I know neither language. I have to learn Java in any case for Android client side development. I understand that Python is faster to code in and so that's definately a factor but I absolutely don't want to sacrifice performance or scalability. I will be doing lots of SQL database stuff.
Finally if you think I am way off and should look in another direction please let me know. Thanks!
Edit: My background language is Delphi (Object Pascal)
My guess is that using Java you will have lots of frameworks to find solutions and I really don't think Python will offer you that.
About IDE, I don't think you should worry about it with Python, you can use SublimeText 2 or Eclipse(have to install python editor). Both work great and Python is easy to deploy.
With Java I use Eclipse but a friend is using NetBeans and it has some "shortcuts" to create things like services, for instance.
Also with Java, you'll be more familiarized because of Android so I think it is a plus, makes more sense.
You need to at least start so you can have a better idea of what is best for you.
And get ready, it will be a LOT different from Delphi ;)