Flash AS3 Array and Sorting

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My problem is I Have an isometric grid, just based on the X,Y values: Each time you click a button for instance road than this item is pushed to an array()


My arrangeAssets method just checks the array "no point posting as it fails most of the time.gennerally some items update but not all. So im hoping some one has a solution to check X,Y value then setChildIndex of Array. I have looked, keep getting reffered to 3rd party as3 engines which im not interested in as i want to make my own and have better understanding.

enter image description here

or is this not possible as im only using an X,Y grid

var i:int = gameAssets.length;
    if (getChildIndex(sortedItems[i]) != i) {
        gameAssets.sortOn("y", Array.NUMERIC);
        setChildIndex(gameAssets[i], i);

I only add the items on top of the grass grid into the array.

2012-04-05 16:03
by joshua
I think you are going to need to take another stab at explaining what you are looking to do. Start with posting your current arrangeAssets code, and give an example of a new roatTiles instance you want to push into gameAssets and how it should be handled - sberry 2012-04-05 16:10
just updated info - joshua 2012-04-05 16:26
I'm still having a hard time understanding, can you specify what you want the sorting to do vs what it is doing? or is this not a sorting related question - Daniel 2012-04-05 16:30
do you want the item you click on to go to the top of the display list, based on the array that you're trying to sort - Daniel 2012-04-05 16:32
if i was to add a buiding on this grid, than directly behind it add another what happens is the second building overlaps the first building sometimes, or some other times it dissapears until i add another structure than it re-appear - joshua 2012-04-05 16:36
I think I get now. you have a tile like the semaphore, that gets covered by the street above - Daniel 2012-04-05 16:38
correct, if i had buildings instead of roads you could really see the difference but i deleted them as im messing with all the roads tiles firs - joshua 2012-04-05 16:41


assuming that the left most point is x: 0, y:0 the tiles are covering each other going from a high x and low y to a low x and high y values.

I would add a weight variable (call it what you like), and calculate it from (totalx - x) * y

this would have the top-most corner have a value of 0, and the bottom most have the highest value. every row (diagonal really) would be the same.

Then sort on the weight and you have a list of items in the relative z stack.

this doesn't really address the setchildIndex, because you can't have two items there. a hack would be to remove all and add them back in the order. (you could have a temp child, that you add as children to, that way you don't have to remove the children as it is done automatically)

I found this image that shows the weight as _yfrom http://www.kirupa.com/developer/isometric/depth_sorting.htm

enter image description here enter image description here

the _y is the same because (totalx - x) * y values horizontally are the same

2012-04-05 16:48
by Daniel
sounds interesting but its over my head, lol i will ponder with this thought for now thanks i cant get my head around weight value? where did he come fro - joshua 2012-04-05 16:54
it is calculated, imagine the grid as a diamond, the top is at the back with the lowest weight number, and the bottom is the front with the highest - Daniel 2012-04-05 16:57
neally getting it, sorry man im not a programme - joshua 2012-04-05 17:00
updated answer with image - Daniel 2012-04-05 17:01
Iv read that several times its not the theory thats making me ponder its the formula, how to impliment this method by adding this"weight" - joshua 2012-04-05 17:03
totalx is the number of rows(or columns) along the x axis, I had x - totalx instead of totalx - x I edited the answe - Daniel 2012-04-05 17:06
i chose your answer im understanding a bit thanks for the help, its now time to implement this to practis - joshua 2012-04-05 17:11