I have this code. Only the first drawLine gets drawn and the rest 2 are not. Can anyone explain why the other two drawlines do not work in the present case? They work if I replace "factor" with "1/2" in the drawLine() statements. Thanks
public class RenderView extends View {
Paint paint;
private float factor = 1/2;
public RenderView(Context context) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
int screenWidth = canvas.getWidth();
int screenHeight = canvas.getHeight();
canvas.drawLine(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, paint);
canvas.drawLine(factor*screenWidth, 0, factor*screenWidth, screenHeight, paint);
canvas.drawLine(0, factor*screenHeight, screenWidth, factor*screenHeight, paint);
1/2 is 0 (by integer division). Try 1f/2 or just 0.5f.
I think the problem is that 1/2 is integer division, and so 1/2 = 0. Try 0.5f instead.