How can i use NSSearchField
for filter data that i load into program with core data ?
i want to do that from code not in interface with binding
(please give me tutorial about it)
There is probably not a more authoritative expert (outside of Apple) on Core Data than the folks at Here's a tutorial that should help you accomplish exactly what you need.
You can further filter the data without going back to disk by using another NSPredicate on the array. If you have a NSFetchedResultsController
called myFetchController
and a NSPredicate
named myPredicate
you can do the following.
NSArray * results = [myFecthController fetchedObjects];
NSArray * filteredResults = [results filteredArrayUsingPredicate:myPredicate];
I think what you're looking for is information on using a predicate with an NSFetchRequest.
See Apple's Documentation on predicate programming.
No? Well have you been to Apple's documentation on search fields?