In JS, how can I get the mouse coordinates inside a DIV? if I use event.pageX, it will only work if the DIV is at the top left corner of the page... otherwise, I have to know the position of the DIV in the page and subtract event.pageX from that. This is hard to do when I generate the DIVs dynamically since I have to keep track of the position of each DIV. Any ideas?
It seems like event.layerX and event.layerY works find in FF if I define the DIV with an absolute position. Here is a short example:
But in IE, event.layerX/Y is undefined inside the DIV. Any ideas?
It sounds to me like you answered your own question. I'm not aware of any shortcuts for finding the cursor position from within a div simpler than subtracting the x and y coordinates of the mouse from the x and y coordinates of the upper left corner of the div. Just make sure you cache the location of the div as it changes to avoid a DOM lookup each time the mouse cursor moves.
It's not too hard. Each element has an offsetTop and offsetLeft property. You can use that with current mouse position to figure out the relative position.