Adding some JPanels (one below another) in JPanel

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I'd like to add some panels (with different height) to another JPanel (which is in a JScrollPane) as in this image:

enter image description here

Which layout should I use?

2012-04-05 14:57
by Piotr Sobolewski
Looks like a good fit for <code>BoxLayout</code>. See also A Visual Guide to Layout Managers for a quick 'birds eye view' - Andrew Thompson 2012-04-05 15:00
Ahh!!! I forgot about BoxLayout. Thanks for advice: - Piotr Sobolewski 2012-04-05 15:30
@AndrewThompson Why not put that comment as an answer, its weird to see a question like this;with no answer : - COD3BOY 2012-04-26 10:14
@Sanjay Good point, done. I make 'judgement calls' on each comment/answer at the moment I am posting, and don't always make the best decision. ; - Andrew Thompson 2012-04-26 10:19


Looks like a good fit for BoxLayout. See also A Visual Guide to Layout Managers for a quick 'birds eye view' of the layouts available in the J2SE.

2012-04-26 10:18
by Andrew Thompson


Possibly the easiest is to use flowlayout and set the preferred height of the JPanels accordingly

If you plan to do more with your layout I'd recommend one of the more advanced third party layouts like JGoodies Form Layout You'll need to learn more, but than you have a good flexible layout which will solve most of the real world problems you'll see.

2012-04-05 15:03
by Jens Schauder
Thanks for advice, but FlowLayout is not layout that I search. As Andrew write BoxLayout will resolve the problem - Piotr Sobolewski 2012-04-06 08:11