I manage a live music venue's newsletter and the show listings/calendar on the main site are generated using PHP. Is there a way to generate content in newsletters via php?
Example, I create the newsletter.php file, upload the code to our newsletter service provider, and when someone opens the message, the latest listings are available in their email.
As of now, I'm only seeing a portion of the php code where I'd like to see the calendar...
You can generate the content of an e-mail with any scripting language, but only before sending it. Once the e-mail has been sent, it has to be in a format that e-mail clients understand (such as plain text or HTML).
It's also very easy to send email with php, with the mail
You could generate the email from your php template, and if it looks how you want it to, click a button and send that email to the people on your mailing list.
It sounds like you have a newsletter-delivery service in place, but this is another option.