Python/Cherrypy processing file upload from Kwargs. Instance type not indexable. Trying to dump FieldStorage data

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I am running cherrypy and a module that receives a file and I want to dump the data to disk. Instead of using the cherrypy expose and getting the file from my main cherrypy application I wanted to process it myself. I've been able to get to this

print kwargs['image']

and it dumps this to the console

FieldStorage('image', 'Diagram1.jpeg', *raw image data*)

How can I access the three variables there and use them in my program?

If I try to index them it says, Instance type not indexable.

I was able to get this out of print kwargs['image'].__dict__

{'fp': <cherrypy.wsgiserver.SizeCheckWrapper object at 0x23ba510>,
'disposition_options': {'name': 'image', 'filename': 'Diagram1.jpeg'},
'innerboundary': '',
'name': 'image',
'_FieldStorage__file': None,
'list': None,
'filename': 'Diagram1.jpeg',
'keep_blank_values': 1,
'headers': <rfc822.Message instance at 0x23c1830>,
'length': -1,
'done': 1,
'disposition': 'form-data',
'qs_on_post': None,
'strict_parsing': 0,
'file': <open file '<fdopen>',
mode 'w+b' at 0x23a1270>,
'outerboundary': '----WebKitFormBoundary5KJ5TEJBxEKAvcW1',
'type_options': {},
'type': 'image/jpeg'}

But none of it seems accessibly since it says TypeError: not indexable

2012-04-05 00:11
by Supernovah
Might have nailed it. Using dir(kwargs['image']) was able to find the file attribute which is a file pointer which can be read like a file. Other variables as indicated above filename and type are also of importanc - Supernovah 2012-04-05 00:34


your kwargs['image'] is a FieldStorage object. The __dict__ method is a wrapper, so as you might be able to do dict(kwargs['image']).

2012-04-06 11:31
by 0xc0de