What does this line (x = n & 5;) mean in the code below? As far as I know ampersand is used for pointers. I was not expecting this code to compiled, but it compiled and ran fine. The results I got is
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
int x, n;
for (n = 0; n < 10; n++){
x = n & 5;
printf("%d,", x);
return 0;
In this case it's bitwise AND.
x = n & 5;
will AND 5 (which is 0b101) with whatever is in n
AND works on the bits that represent the values. The result will have a 1 if both values have a 1 in that position, 0 otherwise.
Since we're ANDing with 5, and there are only 4 values you can make with the two bits in 0b101, the only possible values for x are 1, 4, 5 and 0. Here's an illustration:
n & 5 = x
1 (0b0001) & 0b0101 = 1 (0b0001)
2 (0b0010) & 0b0101 = 0 (0b0000)
3 (0b0011) & 0b0101 = 1 (0b0001)
4 (0b0100) & 0b0101 = 4 (0b0100)
5 (0b0101) & 0b0101 = 5 (0b0101)
6 (0b0110) & 0b0101 = 4 (0b0100)
7 (0b0111) & 0b0101 = 4 (0b0100)
8 (0b1000) & 0b0101 = 0 (0b0000)
9 (0b1001) & 0b0101 = 1 (0b0001)
That's the "bitwise and" operator. Normally, it takes two integers, and returns an integer that has only the bits set that are in both of it's parameters.
base10 base2
6 0110
3 0011
6&3 0010 (=2)
There's also "bitwise or" |
which sets bits that either one has set.
base10 base2
6 0110
3 0011
6|3 0111 (=7)
and there's "bitwise xor" ^
which sets bits that are different.
base10 base2
6 0110
3 0011
6^3 0101 (=5)
, 6|3
and 6^3
torrential coding 2012-04-05 00:14
It's a bitwise AND operator. The value of n is being ANDed with 5.
You were already told that in this case it's a binary and. But this requires a bit more explanation. In C and other C-like languages there are two &
operators. One is unary the other binary.
A unary operator acts on a single value alone, while a binary operator takes in two values. In C binary operators take precedence over unary ones. If you write
int b;
int *a = &b;
Then b
is the only value the operator can work on. If you write however
int c, d;
int d = c & d;
then the operator has two values to work with and the binary interpretation takes precedence over the unary interpretation. Note that this does not only apply to the &
operator, but also its counterpart *
int *f;
int h = *f;
But also
int i,j;
int k = i * j;
Like with all operators, precedence can be overridden with parentheses:
int l, *m;
int n = l * (*m);