C: Ampersand in front of a number

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What does this line (x = n & 5;) mean in the code below? As far as I know ampersand is used for pointers. I was not expecting this code to compiled, but it compiled and ran fine. The results I got is


#include <stdio.h>

int main(void){
    int x, n;
    for (n = 0; n < 10; n++){
        x = n & 5;
        printf("%d,", x);
    return 0;
2012-04-05 00:06
by lamba
I compiled using gcc -W -Wall -pedantic -std=c89 ctest. - lamba 2012-04-05 00:07
It's an operator. Open your introductory C++ textbook and read it until you're familiar with the language basics - Kerrek SB 2012-04-05 00:08
Sorry, I had a long day. Can't believe I forgot about it. I even used it before - lamba 2012-04-05 00:10


In this case it's bitwise AND.

x = n & 5;

will AND 5 (which is 0b101) with whatever is in n.

AND works on the bits that represent the values. The result will have a 1 if both values have a 1 in that position, 0 otherwise.

Since we're ANDing with 5, and there are only 4 values you can make with the two bits in 0b101, the only possible values for x are 1, 4, 5 and 0. Here's an illustration:

n           &    5     = x
1 (0b0001)  &  0b0101  = 1  (0b0001)
2 (0b0010)  &  0b0101  = 0  (0b0000)
3 (0b0011)  &  0b0101  = 1  (0b0001)
4 (0b0100)  &  0b0101  = 4  (0b0100)
5 (0b0101)  &  0b0101  = 5  (0b0101)
6 (0b0110)  &  0b0101  = 4  (0b0100)
7 (0b0111)  &  0b0101  = 4  (0b0100)
8 (0b1000)  &  0b0101  = 0  (0b0000)
9 (0b1001)  &  0b0101  = 1  (0b0001)
2012-04-05 00:07
by Timothy Jones


That's the "bitwise and" operator. Normally, it takes two integers, and returns an integer that has only the bits set that are in both of it's parameters.

base10 base2
6       0110
3       0011
6&3     0010   (=2)

There's also "bitwise or" | which sets bits that either one has set.

base10 base2
6       0110
3       0011
6|3     0111   (=7)

and there's "bitwise xor" ^ which sets bits that are different.

base10 base2
6       0110
3       0011
6^3     0101   (=5)
2012-04-05 00:12
by Mooing Duck
I think you mean 6&3, 6|3 and 6^3torrential coding 2012-04-05 00:14
@torrentialcoding: Thanks. I started with 5 and 2, but then switched to more interesting number - Mooing Duck 2012-04-05 00:16
Right. 6 and 3 better illustrate the bit operations - torrential coding 2012-04-05 00:19


It's a bitwise AND operator. The value of n is being ANDed with 5.

2012-04-05 00:07
by torrential coding
It's bitwise, not logical operator - Cat Plus Plus 2012-04-05 00:07
yes ... fixed the slip. Thank - torrential coding 2012-04-05 00:08


You were already told that in this case it's a binary and. But this requires a bit more explanation. In C and other C-like languages there are two & operators. One is unary the other binary.

A unary operator acts on a single value alone, while a binary operator takes in two values. In C binary operators take precedence over unary ones. If you write

int b;
int *a = &b;

Then b is the only value the operator can work on. If you write however

int c, d;
int d = c & d;

then the operator has two values to work with and the binary interpretation takes precedence over the unary interpretation. Note that this does not only apply to the & operator, but also its counterpart *

int *f;
int h = *f;

But also

int i,j;
int k = i * j;

Like with all operators, precedence can be overridden with parentheses:

int l, *m;
int n = l * (*m);
2012-04-05 00:15
by datenwolf