Condition to choose which getConstructor method

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I have a class in which i have intialized hashmap in static block. Passing the key, I have retrived the value which is a class. In order to create object for this class. I have used the constructor class to get the constructor and passed arguments and created object.

I have two class in hashmap. To create objectfor EchoExpression I need to pass two arguments and for OutExpression class i need to pass only one argument(String).


Based on the class returned by the key I need to execute which constructor to get and implement, whether the constructor with one argument or two argument.

public class ExampleFactory {

  private static HashMap<String,Class<?>> hmap = new HashMap<String,Class<?>>();

      hmap.put("echo", EchoExpression.class);         
      hmap.put("Out", OutExpression.class);                       

  public void getExpo(String key,String expression)
    Class aClass =map.get(key);

    //Constructor implementation for OutExpression where only one argument string is passed

    Constructor constructor = aClass.getConstructor(new Class[]{String.class});

    Object object= constructor.newInstance(expression);

    //constructor for passing two arguments string for EchoExpression

    Constructor constructor = aClass.getConstructor(new Class[]{String.class,Class.class});

    Object object= constructor.newInstance(expression, Boolean.class);

    return null;        

How to choose from the value(class) which class to implement without using if else?

2012-04-04 22:39
by Jessie
what language is this - EdChum 2012-04-04 22:43


Use an Enum and switch on it. Here is a executable stub without getting too deeply into the reflection or the syntax of your example:

package com.trip.test;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class ExampleFactory {

    private static Map<String, Class<?>> hmap = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>();

    static {
        hmap.put("echo", EchoExpression.class);
        hmap.put("Out", OutExpression.class);

    public static void getExpo(String key, String expression) {

        Class aClass = hmap.get(key);

        ClassMappingEnum myType = ClassMappingEnum.getClassMappingEnum(aClass);

        switch (myType) {
        case ECHO_EXPRESSION:{
            // do something
        case OUT_EXPRESSION:{
            // do something
        case UNKNOWN:
            System.out.println("Bummer: " + aClass.getName());          


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        getExpo("echo", "B");
        getExpo("Out", "B");

enum ClassMappingEnum {
    ECHO_EXPRESSION(EchoExpression.class), OUT_EXPRESSION(OutExpression.class), UNKNOWN(null);

    private Class typeDes;

    private ClassMappingEnum(Class typeDes) {
        this.typeDes = typeDes;

    public static ClassMappingEnum getClassMappingEnum(Class compare) {
        for (ClassMappingEnum cme : ClassMappingEnum.values()) {
            if (cme.typeDes.equals(compare)) {
                return cme;
        return UNKNOWN;


class EchoExpression<T> {
    private String someString;
    private Class<T> someClass;
    public EchoExpression(String someString, Class<T> someClass) {
        this.someString = someString;
        this.someClass = someClass;
    public String getSomeString() {
        return someString;
    public void setSomeString(String someString) {
        this.someString = someString;
    public Class<T> getSomeClass() {
        return someClass;
    public void setSomeClass(Class<T> someClass) {
        this.someClass = someClass;


class OutExpression {
    private String someString;

    public OutExpression(String someString) {
        this.someString = someString;

    public String getSomeString() {
        return someString;

    public void setSomeString(String someString) {
        this.someString = someString;

2012-04-05 00:02
by TechTrip


If you can modify the classes so both constructor has the same signature (accepts the same number/type of arguments in the same order), you could do

Constructor constructor = aClass.getConstructor(new Class[]{String.class,Class.class});
Object object= constructor.newInstance(expression, Boolean.class);

for both classes.

This of course means that the class that right now do not need the extra parameter, will have to ignore the passed-in one it was not using before after the change

UPDATE: Here is a possible way of implementing the idea using Factory classes:

public interface ObjectFactory
  Object create(String expr, Class cls);

public class EchoExpressionFactory implements ObjectFactory
  public EchoExpression create(String expr, Class cls)
    return new EchoExpression(expr, cls);

public class OutExpressionFactory implements ObjectFactory
  public OutExpression create(String expr, Class cls)
    return new OutExpression(expr);

public class ExampleFactory { 

  private static HashMap<String,ObjectFactory> hmap = new HashMap<String,ObjectFactory>(); 

      hmap.put("echo", new EchoExpressionFactory());          
      hmap.put("Out", new OutExpressionFactory());                        

  public void getExpo(String key,String expression) 
    ObjectFactory factory = map.get(key); 

    //Constructor implementation for Expression
    Object object = factory.create(expression); 

    Object object= constructor.newInstance(expression, Boolean.class); 

2012-04-04 22:47
by Attila
I cant modify the classes since its a jar file clas - Jessie 2012-04-04 22:53
Then your best bet is with if and instanceof. If you really want to avoid if, you could use/store factory classes that create the actual objects you want and have a common create method with all the required parameters -- you would essentially end up doing what I suggested above, but with the factory classes instea - Attila 2012-04-04 22:58
Also, how about accepting one of the answers at your previous question, since you ended up using what was suggested - Attila 2012-04-04 23:01
Thank you for your reply. Could you explain me in detail about factory class and also instance of. with some example - Jessie 2012-04-04 23:17