Nokogiri Xpath to retrieve text after
within and

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I have the following html and like to know how to use xpath to retrieve all the info: - Name(first, last) - Nick Name - email - shipping address...

Primarily, retrieve text after <BR>. Many Thanks in advance.

<td valign="top" width="50%" align="left">
<span>Buyer</span><br/>FirstName LastName<br/>NickName<br/></td>

<tr><td valign="top" width="40%" align="left">
<span><span>Shipping address - </span><span>confirmed</span></span><br/>FirstName LastName<br/>Attn: FirstName<br/>1234 Main St.<br/>TheCity, TheState, 12345<br/>United States<br/></td>

After I posted the above question, I learned that I can do these, but does not look clean:

buyer = html.xpath("//span/text()[contains(., 'Buyer')]").first.parent 
buyer_name = 
puts "Buyer's Full name: #{buyer_name.text}" 
buyer_nick = 
puts "Buyer's Nick name: #{buyer_nick.text}" 
buyer_email = 
puts "Buyer's email: #{buyer_email.text}" 

My question now is why the html.xpath("//span/text()[contains(., 'Buyer')]") return the TEXT itself instead of the ELEMENT. Again, thanks!!

2012-04-04 21:45
by TX T


Here's a concise way:

name, nick, email, *addr ='//td/text()[preceding-sibling::br]')

puts name, nick, email, "--", addr

The XPath does exactly what you stated: it takes all text nodes following a br. The address is slurped into one variable, but you can get the components separately if you want.


FirstName LastName
FirstName LastName
Attn: FirstName
1234 Main St.
TheCity, TheState, 12345
United States
2012-04-05 00:06
by Mark Thomas


<br> are a bit of a unique problem when dealing with HTML. They don't really get used for anything but formatting the content in the page, i.e., breaking lines like a new-line would in a *nix text file. So, my tactic when dealing with them while extracting text, is to transform them into new-lines.

Parse the content into a Nokogiri::HTML document:

doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html_doc_to_parse)

Convert the <br> to new-lines:'br').each { |br| br.replace("\n") }

Then, find the cells you want:'//td').map{ |td| td.content } 

which will return something like:'//td').map(&:content)
=> ["\n  Buyer\nFirstName LastName\nNickName\",
 "\n  Shipping address - confirmed\nFirstName LastName\nAttn: FirstName\n1234 Main St.\nTheCity, TheState, 12345\nUnited States\n"]

which looks like this when printed:


FirstName LastName

  Shipping address - confirmed
FirstName LastName
Attn: FirstName
1234 Main St.
TheCity, TheState, 12345
United States

From there it's a case of determining the correct array elements that you want, and then splitting on the new-lines i.e., String.split("\n").

2012-04-04 22:30
by the Tin Man
Thank you very much "the Tin Man" for you quick replied with help. Please see my answer to my own question below - TX T 2012-04-04 22:45
This doesn't help much. It'd be better to append it to your original question, format the code, and delete this comment - the Tin Man 2012-04-04 23:53
Good but consider br.after instead of br.replace. Also didn't you once say it's unsafe to modify nodes in production code - pguardiario 2012-04-05 02:47
If you're grabbing the <br> for immediate processing it's fine because it's not changing the structure. Like I said in the answer, <br> is a problem-child. I wouldn't do it with other tags, except maybe <p> on rare occasion - the Tin Man 2012-04-05 03:28
See als - the Tin Man 2017-04-24 18:04