How can I pull the most recent city/country from a specific Foursquare account?

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I am trying to tie in a Foursquare account to a website, so it will return the country and city of a specific user's most recent checkin. Foursquare offers private feeds for users, using private token URL's: but these feeds do not include the city and country.

Is there a way that I can pull this data from the feed, or is the best way to go through the Foursquare API?

2012-04-04 19:52
by Ryan


You can use the feed together with Google's GeoCoding API.

From Foursquare, you get the coordinates of the last check-in(s). Then, you can use the coordinates and pass it to, e.g., Google's reverse GeoCoding API.

Sample Foursquare answer:

    <description>@ Geisenhausen</description>
    <georss:point>48.46855070459905 12.259496372637319</georss:point>

Now, you can pass the coordinates to the Google API and get your city, country, etc.:,12.259496372637319&sensor=false

2012-04-09 13:20
by diewie
Thank you! I will give this a shot. Thanks for the help - Ryan 2012-04-09 17:06