I am trying to tie in a Foursquare account to a website, so it will return the country and city of a specific user's most recent checkin. Foursquare offers private feeds for users, using private token URL's: https://foursquare.com/feeds/ but these feeds do not include the city and country.
Is there a way that I can pull this data from the feed, or is the best way to go through the Foursquare API?
You can use the feed together with Google's GeoCoding API.
From Foursquare, you get the coordinates of the last check-in(s). Then, you can use the coordinates and pass it to, e.g., Google's reverse GeoCoding API.
Sample Foursquare answer:
<description>@ Geisenhausen</description>
<georss:point>48.46855070459905 12.259496372637319</georss:point>
Now, you can pass the coordinates to the Google API and get your city, country, etc.: http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=48.46855070459905,12.259496372637319&sensor=false