I am trying to get the DishName from this json string which is being returned from my php api.
The json string is
["Spicy.com Specials",{"CatID":31,"CatName":"Spicy.com Specials","DishName":"Kashmiri Chicken","DishID":52,"DishDesc":"Cooked with lychees and banana in a lovely sweet and creamy sauce","DishPrice":6.99,"CatDescription":" "},{"CatID":31,"CatName":"Spicy.com Specials","DishName":"Telapia Fish","DishID":51,"DishDesc":"Lightly spiced fillet, a very popular white fish made with peppers, onions and spices in medium sauce","DishPrice":6.99,"CatDescription":" "},
My titanium code is
var cats = eval('('+this.responseText+')');
This get's me 'Foo.com Specials' however I need the DishName, any help would be much appreciated Thanks
You will actually get back a JSON string, not a JSON object. There is a build in feature for parsing the JSON string to JSON object:
var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
Getting the DishName then is easy:
var dishname = response[0].DishName;
Note: Your currently displayed JSON seems to be incomplete, or otherwise it is an invalid JSON object.
First thing your JSON response is not valid. You can validate your JOSN string Online here.
You can parse your JSON response by built in method JSON.parse()
Sample code:-
yourLoader.onload = function()
var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
var dishname = response[0].DishName;
Ti.API.log('Your Dish Name:'+dishname);