How to replace two characters with one character in a char array? Let me explain a bit more. I have a char array of length n
. In this char array i want to replace two characters with one character in a specified index i
. In this process the array length is going to decrease by 1.
The idea which i came to my mind is, first create a new char array of length n-1
then copy all elements from index 0
to index i
excluding) then insert desired character at index i
then copy elements from index i+2
including) to the index n-1
. But this process require two times for
loop. Is there any better approach which can do the same in efficient manner.
Or a more efficient way of doing this is to use a StringBuilder which is a wrapper for char[] and let it do it for you.
char[] chars = "Hello".toCharArray();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.replace(2, 4, "L");
You can look at the code for replace to see how it does it.
Copy array portions with System.arraycopy() instead of iterating over its elements.
Given that you want a new array object, there's no faster way than by copying each array element once, so there's no more efficient method than this. If you use two calls to System.arraycopy()
, you don't have to write the loops yourself.
If you don't need a new array object, you could just move the higher-numbered array elements down by one, which involves just half the number of copies -- but then you're going to need to keep track of the length some other way.
It could use a single for loop. Just put in an IF statement indicating if iteration (i) = index you want to replace then do a different operation rather than just copy.
Written in basic:
For i = 0 to n - 1
If i = x then
arrayCopy(i) = replaceChars
arrayCopy(i) = arraySource(i)
End If
condition from index 0
to index n-1
would not be better perhaps. Instead of this, i should prefer two for
loops (i mean System.arraycopy
) from index 0
to index i-1
and from index i+1
index n-1
respectively. This might increase the performance. Correct me if i am wrong - Ravi Joshi 2012-04-04 20:21