build prototype for road detection system using fuzzy logic

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i've been assigned to develop prototype for road detection system using fuzzy logic. i'm new with fuzzy logic.

my prototype must detect road from either image or video. i wanna ask, which programming language best suited for this system? i think about to use either C#, JAVA or MATLAB. hope someone can help me. its better if someone can give me sample code to implement fuzzy logic as im still seeking idea how to implement fuzzy logic.

2012-04-04 19:40
by kaki
This answer to this question could easily fill a book... There is a lot to know about detecting roads. This is non-trivial - RQDQ 2012-04-04 19:52
It's much too early to pick programming languages(s) if you aren't yet clear on the algorithms and overall approach - DNA 2012-04-04 21:46


There was a good codeproject article that has showed how to implement fuzzy logic engine in C#. It is scientifically correct and quite comprehensive. Though this wouldn't be enough to build just road detection system.

You would additionally need to specify algorithms for image recognition and rules for road detection. That implies the necessity for solid theoretical background and developed mathematical model of the process.

Regarding to the "best suited language", MATLAB is good at modelling simple fuzzy-logic projects (like plant motors or something) but building any big projects (like yours) requires quite an experience. Java and C# stand on equal ground for that - probably both have similar fuzzy logic implementations. Since it's a prototype, I'd recommend going with what's more familiar to you. Whenever obstacles occur you'll know you need to change language.

2012-04-04 19:49
by Dmitry Reznik