I am trying do use a pandas multiindex to select a partial slice at the top level index (date), and apply a list to the second level index (stock symbol). I.e. below I want the data for AAPL and MSFT in the range d1:d2
The partial slice works fine, however it is not clear how to select both AAPL and MSFT from the second index, while avoiding GOOG in the middle.
If I swap the levels it works with a single symbol, but not a list.
In [93]: print df
f1 f2 c1
date sym
2012-01-01 AAPL 5. 2 3
GOOG 1. 2 3
MSFT 4. 2 3
2012-01-02 AAPL 8. 2 3
GOOG 6. 2 3
MSFT 7. 2 3
2012-01-03 AAPL 11 2 3
GOOG 9. 2 3
MSFT 10 2 3
In [94]: print df.ix[d1:d2].swaplevel(0,1).ix['AAPL']
f1 f2 c1
2012-01-01 5 2 3
2012-01-02 8 2 3
In [95]: print df.ix[d1:d2].swaplevel(0,1).ix[['AAPL', 'MSFT']]
<blah balh>
TypeError: Expected tuple, got str
I want to AVOID building a long tuple list i.e.:
t = [(d1, 'AAPL'), (d1, 'MSFT'), (d2, 'AAPL'), (d2, 'MSFT')]
which DOES work when passed to ix. Below is my desired output.
In [103]: print df.ix[t]
f1 f2 c1
date sym
2012-01-01 AAPL 5 2 3
MSFT 4 2 3
2012-01-02 AAPL 8 2 3
MSFT 7 2 3
Thanks, John
It works for me with pandas 0.7.2:
print df.ix[d1:d2].swaplevel(0,1).ix[['AAPL', 'MSFT']]
f1 f2 c1
sym date
AAPL 2012-01-01 5 2 3
MSFT 2012-01-01 4 2 3
AAPL 2012-01-02 8 2 3
MSFT 2012-01-02 7 2 3
import pandas; pandas.__version__