I have a table which needs to be scrollable within a single page. I've used a jQuery scrollable table plugin to accomplish this but now I need to figure out how to scroll to a specific row.
I've tried a few different methods including:
var rowpos = $('#rowIWantToScrollTo').position();
And nothing has worked so far.
Here's how to do it. (You were close).
1) Fetch top offset of element using offset() and .top
2) Scroll to element using ScrollTo
I broke it up a bit for illustration purposes.
var _offset = $(".row9").offset();
var _topoffset = _offset.top;
Yes, you are right @ShaneCourtrille. From what I can see, there is no functionality inbuilt in the plugin to scroll to a particular row.
Below is a very simple solution using hyperlinks. Not sure if this is what you want, but it does the job...
Create an internal anchor like this...
<td><a name="toHere"></a>FL</td>
and link it outside the table - <a href="#toHere">Scroll to my specified row</a>
I just did a brief search and there are other plugins out there. One is DataTables.
There are few more plugins listed in the following link that might be of help to you...