background: I'm following this tutorial, except that I'm not using jenkins:
When the script executes:
git show -s --format=%s
I'm getting this error
fatal: Not a git repository: '.'
But I do not understand why I would be seeing that error since it obviously has to be a valid git repo otherwise those files wouldn't exist (the temp folder is created via git clone in the post-update gitolite hook and deleted before the build, ie the script, begins).
This is being run on a mac with Lion installed.
any thoughts? Thanks
I added a ls -lF -d .git
to the build script, here is the output
drwx------ 13 USERNAME admin 442 4 Apr 13:47 .git/ remote: fatal: Not a git repository: '.'
Here is the script part mentioned above, so you can see the context of the line being executed:
ls -lF -d .git /usr/local/git/bin/git show -s --format=%s > log.txt
It is only an obvious git repository if there is a 'git' directory at or above the current directory. From the location where you tried 'git show' start looking with:
ls -lF -d .git
and then move upwards until you find it. (There shouldn't be one because 'git show' failed.) Alternatively, go to some top-level directory and search for git repositories with:
find . -type d -name '.git'