How to see the files present in changelist using command line

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I created one changelist. I moved 2 files to it. If i give svn status command, it will show the change list and the files present in it. after doing the commit. If i try to give the svn status. I am not see the changelist and the files present in it. is it not possible to see the changelist and files present in it after committing to the repositary?. Is there any command to see the change list created by ourself apart from svn status command?

2009-06-16 14:14
by NoName


It looks like you're looking for:

svn diff --summarize -r0:100 

You may also want to take a look at:

svn log

depending on what you want to accomplish.

2009-06-16 14:26
by Andrew Austin


I hope I'm understanding your question: perhaps what you are experiencing is the fact that, by default, when you svn commit, changelist assignments are removed from the files. If you want to svn commit and preserve your changelist, you have to use the --keep-changelists switch. Example: (where changelist is called "test")

svn commit --changelist test --keep-changelists
2009-06-16 23:25
by William Leara
Thanks a lot. I got it. is there any other way to see the files present in changelist apart from svn status command.because if i give svn status command, it will show other changes also. But i want to see only the list of changelist and files present in it - NoName 2009-06-17 07:07