What is the best free SQL GUI for Linux for various DBMS systems

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As I make the full switch from Windows to Linux (CentOS 5) I'm in search of the best free GUI SQL Client tool for MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, etc... any suggestions?

I've tried DBVisualizer (The best bet so far but still limited by the free version, not all functionality is there), MySQL GUI Tools (Good but only for MySQL, need other DB's as well) and Aqua Data Studio (Same as DBVis, it's good but a lot of the functionality is missing in the free version).

2009-06-16 14:06
by Phill Pafford
What do you need from that GUI? Do you need support for coding (e.g. PL/SQL or T-SQL)? Do you need integration with source control? Do you need schema navigation? Do you need support for database diagrams (reverse/forward engineering) - Cătălin Pitiș 2009-06-16 14:09
Looking for more of the advanced tools such as: Graphing w/ releationship (one to one, one to many, etc...), Trigger feature, multiple query execution at once, etc.. - Phill Pafford 2009-06-16 16:01
There is the Falcon Sql client https://github.com/plotly/falcon-sql-client/releases that also includes functionality for plotting your data. Have to add this as comment, because I cannot post a new answer - CodeKid 2018-07-14 20:34


I'm sticking with DbVisualizer Free until something better comes along.

EDIT/UPDATE: been using https://dbeaver.io/ lately, really enjoying this

2009-07-20 17:25
by Phill Pafford
You could try DBeaver or RazorSQ - kurdtpage 2018-02-04 22:21
You could try Valentina Studio Fre - mohsen.nour 2018-07-10 11:18
Sqlectron is free and looks great. Fully cross-platform as well. https://sqlectron.github.io - anon58192932 2018-09-20 20:50


I can highly recommend Squirrel SQL.

Also see this similar question:

Developer tools to directly access databases

2009-06-16 14:16
by sleske
would this work for more of the advanced tools such as: Graphing w/ relationship (one to one, one to many, etc...), Trigger feature, multiple query execution at once, Oracle, MSSQL & MySQL? Can I add my own drivers - Phill Pafford 2009-06-16 16:03
Squirrel SQL has some graphing capabilities, you can open multiple query windows to work concurrently, and it supports just about any database (I use it on Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Informix). Yes, you can add any JDBC driver (unless it's buggy). Haven't used triggers, but apparently this is also possible - sleske 2009-06-16 23:19


For Oracle, I highly recommend the free Oracle SQL Developer


The doucmentation states it also works with non-oracle databases - i've never tried that feature myself, but I do know that it works really well with Oracle

2009-06-16 14:12
by Chi
Works very well for MS SQL as well with jtds jdbc driver - so_mv 2011-09-13 08:24


I use SQLite Database Browser for SQLite3 currently and it's pretty useful. Works across Windows/OS X/Linux and is lightweight and fast. Slightly unstable with executing SQL on the DB if it's incorrectly formatted.

Edit: I have recently discovered SQLite Manager, a plugin for Firefox. Obviously you need to run Firefox, but you can close all windows and just run it "standalone". It's very feature complete, amazingly stable and it remembers your databases! It has tonnes of features so I've moved away from SQLite Database Browser as the instability and lack of features is too much to bear.

2013-02-12 11:16
by Tomassino
SQLite Manager has been deprecated due to the removal of the SQLite interface in FireFox - anon58192932 2018-09-20 20:29
Sqlectron is free and looks great. Fully cross-platform as well. https://sqlectron.github.io - anon58192932 2018-09-20 20:50


I tried many GUI's, and the best for me continue being "SQLyog-comunity" by using wine. Is complete, is nice, and is intuitive. (and in wine work perfect)

2012-08-27 09:07
by Francisco Albert
Sqlectron is free and looks great. Fully cross-platform as well. https://sqlectron.github.io - anon58192932 2018-09-20 20:49


I don't use gui, but I would install phpmyadmin.

  • Cross-platform.
  • GNU license
2009-06-16 14:10
by Macarse
as to my knowledge phpmyadmin is for MySQL only, need MSSQL, MySQL & Oracl - Phill Pafford 2009-06-16 15:58
That's correct.. phpmyadmin is only for mysql.. but it's a rather neat tool for mysql - kapad 2018-08-08 09:20