PreventDefault not working on second click

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I have the following html code:

  <span>Products per page:</span>
  <a class="selectview" href="/womens-clothing/shorts?page=1&view=20">20</a>
  <a class="selectview" href="/womens-clothing/shorts?page=1&view=200">200</a>

and the jQuery is as follows:

jQuery('.selectview').click(function (ev) {


  var alink = jQuery(this).attr('href'); 

  var view = getLinkVars(alink)["view"]; 
  var page = jQuery("#currentpageno").val();




The code runs fine the first time if I click on any of the links; I see the alerts and the ajax code runs fine, but when I click on it the second time, the whole page is refreshed and no alerts are shown. Then if I click on it again it works, then when I click on it again it works, and so on.

What could I be doing wrong?

2012-04-04 18:02
by Amara
Not sure, but I think you should post the code for your getLinkVars function aswell? Also check the console for errors, somehow the preventDefault is'nt firing, probably beacuse of some error in your code - adeneo 2012-04-04 18:07


My guess is that run_ajax is replacing the links with new ones. .click only binds to the elements that matched the selector at that time. The newly added links won't have a click event bound to them.

You need to make the events "live". Bind them using .on like so:

jQuery(document).on('click', '.selectview', function (ev) {
    // code...

This will "delegate" the event. It will run for all .selectview links no matter when they are added to the DOM.

2012-04-04 18:11
by Rocket Hazmat
Just as easily is the more commonly used syntax .live('click', function(ev) {}) rather than the slightly less popular .on syntax. Essentially having to do dynamic binding to the click event rather than static binding will work here - Mattygabe 2012-04-04 18:17
@Mattygabe: .live was commonly used before jQuery 1.7. In jQuery 1.7+, .live, as well as .bind and .delegate are deprecated. jQuery suggests you use .on for all your event binding needs. .on should be more "popular" once people upgrade their code - Rocket Hazmat 2012-04-04 18:19
Great to know - thanks - Mattygabe 2012-04-04 18:21
That worked perfectly, thank you very much, that was doing my head in : - Amara 2012-04-04 18:33
@Amara: You're welcome. Glad I could help :- - Rocket Hazmat 2012-04-04 18:34


If run_ajax is replacing the links you can wrap the code that attaches your click handlers, and then inside run_ajax you can call the wrapper after you've replaced the links with the new content:

var setupClickHandlers = function(container) {
    jQuery(container).find('.selectview').click(function (ev) {


        var alink = jQuery(this).attr('href'); 

        var view = getLinkVars(alink)["view"]; 
        var page = jQuery("#currentpageno").val();



The in run_ajax:

var run_ajax = function(view, page) {
    // do your stuff here

    // set up click handlers on the new content
2012-04-04 18:24
by Robert Kajic
Thank you for your answer, I used Mattygabe's solution and that worked perfectly. Thanks : - Amara 2012-04-04 18:34
Ooops I meant Rocket's answer : - Amara 2012-04-04 18:42