I am taking over a "one-page" site that uses numerous jQuery show/hide instructions to navigate content—turning divs on and off to reveal images and simulate new windows opening and closing on the page. I need to be able to record "snapshot" URLs of the page in various states. The various states are too complex to be able to manually note them one-by-one. I'm dreaming of an imaginary utility called "show me my dynamic URL right now". I don't care if the resulting URLs are lengthy or untidy. Thank you for your time and patience. I usually solve these sorts of problems through enthusiastic searches of on stackoverflow. I know similar questions have been asked, but the bar has proven too high for me to tease out a solution.
Use jQuery Address. It is in use on this site http://nationallgbtmuseum.org/ and allows you to set /#pagename for a certain div, and will scroll the browser to that site, or recognize the site when scrolled to, making each page an adressable section of the site, should do what you want.