overlapping CAShapeLayer outline

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I have a 3D lookalike graphic object made of several CAShapeLayers. All the shapes (both ceiling and walls) has to be stroked. Some of the shapes share an edge - that seems to be the root of the problem.

However it seems that the outline is being drawn around an existing outline of another shape. So I got those ugly pikes around some shapes.

How to get rid of those?

2012-04-04 08:08
by KutakMir


Check the lineJoin and lineCap property, Setting it to kCALineJoinRound and kCALineCapRound might help you.


2012-07-18 05:19
by Tough Guy
Excellent! kCALineJoinRound and kCALineCapRound did the thing. Thank you so much - KutakMir 2012-12-13 13:17