I am using MVC3, EF Model first on my project.
I have a view with 4 tables and then I have a CustomPickedTable,
whenever a user click on a row inside those 4 tables that row moves to CustomPickedTable
Table this is the code for it:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('.questionsForSubjectType tbody tr').click(function () {
var origin = $(this).closest('table').attr('id');
.appendTo('#CustomPickedTable tbody')
.click({ origin: origin }, function (evt) {
$(this).appendTo('#' + evt.data.origin);
What I am looking for is some kind of validation that when a user clicks on the submit button there should be a rule that make sures that atleast one row in each of those 4 tables must be moved to CustomPickedTable
if not it should not post the form but give the user an errormessage.
This is one of my 4 tables, these get generated by a foreach loop with razor in MVC
<div class="questionsForSubjectType" id="questionsForSubjectType_1">
<table class="box-style2" id="RandomID_c5b9bc7a-2a51-4fe5-bd3a-75b4b3934ade">
<td data-question-id="16">Har konsulten Förmåga att lära sig nytt?</td>
<td data-question-id="17">Har konsulten rätt kompetens?</td>
My custom table:
<table id="CustomPickedTable" class="box-style2">
<thead><tr><th>Choosen Questions</th></tr></thead>
Thanks in advance!
have to have at least one row in the body, correct - Andreas Wong 2012-04-04 08:15
There might be a better way.
But i would add a data-attribute or some class to each of the TD's you can move, and on submit check for each required value.
Created an example here: http://jsfiddle.net/y35Qf/1/
Basicly i added an attribute called data-row, and each table has its own value, on submit i require each of these values to be in the CustomPickedTable - if not i alert that something is missing - else alert success.
You could easily add so you alert which rows are misssing or any other validation you would want.
Is this what you wanted?