Primefaces: set page on datatable

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I've a datatable in primefaces and I want, when I add a row in it, view the last page of the datatable.

My .xhtml page is:

<h:form id=...>
<p:dataTable var="webTemplate" id="templateTable" widgetVar="tbl1"/>

<h:form id=...>
<p:inputText id="txt_description" value="#{templateController.templateDescription}" label="templateDescription">
               <f:validateLength for="txt_name" minimum="1"/>
               <p:ajax event="change"
                     listener="#{calculatePageTable.setPageTableTemplate}"  onsuccess="setTabIndexTT()"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
      function setTabIndexTT(){


public class CalculatePageTable {

   private int pageTableTemplate = 0;
   private int pageTableField = 0;

   public void setPageTableTemplate() {

      final DataTable d = (DataTable) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot()
      pageTableTemplate = d.getPageCount() - 1;


   public int getPageTableTemplate() {
      return pageTableTemplate;

   public void setPageTemplateField() {

      final DataTable d = (DataTable) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot()
      pageTableField = (d.getPageCount() - 1);

   public int getPageTableField() {
      return pageTableField;


But the js function setTabIndexTT() is never called by onsuccess ajax...

How do I can set last page of my datatable when adding a row?

Primefaces version is 3.1.1

2012-04-04 07:34
by 3vi


In your managed bean you can try this code:

public void setPageDataTable() {
    final DataTable d = (DataTable) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot()
    int first = 1;
    if (d.getRowCount() % ROWS_DATATABLE == 0) {
        first = (d.getRowCount() - ROWS_DATATABLE);
        first = (d.getRowCount()/ROWS_DATATABLE)*ROWS_DATATABLE;

Call this method when you add a new row

2012-04-10 09:42
by Teg
+1 for the d.setFirst(first);.

In my case, I've used: ((DataTable) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().findComponent("myForm").findComponent("myDataTable")).setFirst(0) to go to the first page every time I refresh the content - falsarella 2012-09-27 11:38

May I know what is ROWS_DATATABLE indicating here ?? confuse - Qadir Hussain 2014-11-24 08:53
I guess using the binding-attribute of the primefaces-datatable makes the code above more clean (no hardcoded ids - L. Monty 2015-08-11 15:10
How can you change the datatable page? This code only puts the last entered row at the beginning - Renato Espinoza Carranza 2016-04-15 17:46


if the datatable widgetVar is dataTableWidget then use this:

<script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function () {
2013-07-11 14:11
by ehsan
See also: PF('dataTableWV').paginator.setPage(PF('dataTableWV').paginator.cfg.pageCount - 1); RequestContext.getCurrentInstance().execute("PF('dataTableWV').paginator.setPage(PF('dataTableWV').paginator.cfg.pageCount - 1);");Andrew 2018-08-27 16:30


I would do it without any JavaScript. Primefaces's datatable has a first attribute, which is the index of the first data to display.

<p:dataTable first="#{calculatePageTable.first}"/>
<p:commandButton value="Add a row" action="#{calculatePageTable.addRow}"/>

And your backing bean:

public class CalculatePageTable {
    private int first = 1;

    public int getFirst(){
        return first;

    public void addRow(){
        // 1. your stuff for adding the row 
        // 2. switch to the row
        first = getFirstRowOnLastPage(); 

    private int getFirstRowOnLastPage(){
2012-04-04 19:11
by fischermatte
but getFirst() when is invoked? Only first time the datatable is render? If I change page with paginator, afet getFirst() isn't invkoed.. - 3vi 2012-04-05 12:25
You are right, i've overseen that. this solution only works when your backing bean is session scoped (which is the case in your sample) and the addRow action creates a new view. You can do this by returning the current viewId instead of defining addRow as void - fischermatte 2012-04-05 13:47
Sorry, but i don't unterstand how I can create a new view.. - 3vi 2012-04-05 14:27
just write ‘return "myView";‘ in your addRow action at the end. where 'myView' is the name of the xhtml page the table is in. this will instruct jsf to create a new view instead of taking the current one - fischermatte 2012-04-05 15:57
Your solution works fine, but not for me at the moment. I've a backing bean view scoped, which have addRow() and arraylist for element of datatable and a backing bean session scoped for calculate first element. In first backing bean, I use a temp variable for create new row (it's create with more step and then it's saved into a db), and if I return new view in addRow(), I lost temp variable...mmm.. - 3vi 2012-04-06 08:25
it seems there is another way, but i couldn't try it yet. There is a client side option to set the current page. See here. You have to add something like ‛ - fischermatte 2012-04-07 21:25


You could avoid the explicit ID in your code by using bindings:


<p:dataTable var="webTemplate" id="templateTable" widgetVar="tbl1" binding="#{calculatePageTable.dataTable" />


public class CalculatePageTable {
private DataTable dataTable;

public DataTable getDataTable() {
    return dataTable;

public void setDataTable(DataTable dataTable) {
    this.dataTable = dataTable;

/* See Teg's answer */
public void setPageDataTable() {
    int first = 1;
    if (dataTable.getRowCount() % ROWS_DATATABLE == 0) {
        first = (dataTable.getRowCount() - ROWS_DATATABLE);
        first = (dataTable.getRowCount()/ROWS_DATATABLE)*ROWS_DATATABLE;
2013-05-31 15:13
by schnatterer
Bindings make you even more problems, mostly serialization issues: - Danubian Sailor 2013-07-26 09:16