I have a ListView in a C# based win-form project. Is it possible to limit the maximum length of the title of all ListViewItem inside the ListView ?
I mean the input length , I set the item to editable , so users can rename the items
Right , It's called "the text" of that item , not the title.
You can utilise the label after edit event of a listview. Here is a sample.
private void listview1_AfterLabelEdit(object sender, LabelEditEventArgs e)
const int maxPermittedLength = 1;
if (e.Label.Length > maxPermittedLength)
//trim text
listview1.Items[e.Item].SubItems[0].Text = listview1.Items[e.Item].SubItems[0].Text.Substring(0, maxPermittedLength); //or something similar
//show a warning message
e.CancelEdit = true; //cancel the edit
catch (Exception ex)
Remember, its tricky, not straightforward, you will have to take care of a few exceptions, but thats homework.. The above code is not a working code, but you have the idea now how to go about it. Read the documentation well, it has a nice example and a warning associated with this event.
What do you mean ListViewItem's title ? is it the item text you mean ? I believe whatever retrievable is fixable and controllable. If it is the item text, you can write a check method
public string SimplifyTxt(string input)
//please shorten the string before display
return retStr;
and it then can be assigned as
listview1.items.add(new Listviewitem{Text=retVal});