Manifest references file 'Bing.Maps.dll' which is not part of the payload

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Error 1 Manifest references file 'Bing.Maps.dll' which is not part of the payload. C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\xxx\Applicationxx\Applicationxx\Package.appxmanifest Application7

I added this into a existing Metro application and its giving me that error, anyone has solution to it?

2012-04-04 07:04
by CodeGuru
Clearly it's telling you that there's a reference to Bing.Maps.dll, which isn't included in the application package. If you're writing this application, make sure you have referenced Bing.Maps correctly and that it's being added to the output package - Xenon 2012-04-04 07:43


Go to the properties of the project and under Build, you will see Platform Target. Choose either x64 or x86 instead of Any CPU and it should be solved.

~Guo Hong

2012-04-09 18:08
by Guo Hong Lim
worked perfectly! how is it connected btw - Elad Katz 2012-04-25 13:12


To correctly reference Bing Maps for a Metro app...

Go to: Project -> Add Reference -> Windows -> Extensions

Now, select both the "Bing Maps for ..." and also "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Package"

If you don't select the 2nd package, things will seem to be fine until you try to actually deploy your app.

2012-04-04 14:42
by Robert Levy