I've managed to use django-filebrowser to upload file via TinyMCE based on this documentation: http://django-filebrowser.readthedocs.org/en/latest/quickstart.html
I've put reference to tiny_mce.js
and tinymce_setup.js
from Grappeli
folder to my template,now TinyMCE
but when testing filebrowser
with this command:python manage.py test filebrowser
I get this error:Directory 'uploads/' for the site filebrowser.filebrowser does not exist.
,of course all of project throw this error.I searched this error in google but no proper result!
Note:I've gotten Grappeli worked already.
what do U think?
For those having problems with filebrowser setup, here is what is required to set it up after you install it.
Add it to your INSTALLED_APPS as:
In your urls.py master file, add the file browser pattern:
from filebrowser.sites import site
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^admin/filebrowser/', include(site.urls)),
Then make sure you have your MEDIA_ROOT set and that by default the uploads/ folder exists in the MEDIA_ROOT. You can change the uploads folder by settting FILEBROWSER_DIRECTORY to something different:
FILEBROWSER_DIRECTORY = 'filebrowser_uploads/'
Then I usually run a test and see if anything is broken and why:
python manage.py test filebrowser
I don't know why the setup doesn't create the default directory for it if MEDIA_ROOT exists. Instead it checks if MEDIA_ROOT + FILEBROWSER_DIRECTORY exist and it fails if it doesn't. More on this in the quick start guide.
dir in your MEDIA_ROOT? : - ilvar 2012-04-05 04:26