I have the following method:
public static String getServiceUri(Class<?> c) {
// I'd like to check which type the parameter is...
do stuff 1
} else {
do stuff 2
Invoke method:
On getServiceUri
I want to call a WebService based on the type of a ServiceClass.
I know that equals will compare objects instance, but in this case I'm trying to discover the type of object.
Anyone know how I can compare using this kind of approach?
instanceof operator is the best choice..
you can do something like this
if(c instanceof MyClass){
//do your stuff
public static String getServiceUri(Class<?> classParam) {
if(classParam instanceof MyClass){
This is WRONG. It does not even compile because classParam
needs to be an actual instance(object) to use the instanceof operator: hence the name.
If you want to know if the classParam is exactly equal to MyClass.class:
public static String getServiceUri(Class<?> c) {
if(classParam == MyClass.class){
However, if you want to check the entire hierarchy of classParam against MyClass then you can do classParam.isAssignableFrom(MyClass.class)