I have an application where users select their own display columns. Each display column has a specified formula. To compute that formula, I need to join few related columns (one-to-one relationship) and compute the value.
The models are like (this is just an example model, actual has more than 100 fields):
class CompanyCode(models.Model):
"""Various Company Codes"""
nse_code = models.CharField(max_length=20)
bse_code = models.CharField(max_length=20)
isin_code = models.CharField(max_length=20)
class Quarter(models.Model):
"""Company Quarterly Result Figures"""
company_code = models.OneToOneField(CompanyCode)
sales_now = models.IntegerField()
sales_previous = models.IntegerField()
I tried doing:
ratios = {'growth':'quarter__sales_now / quarter__sales_previous'}
# raises "Unknown column 'quarter__sales_now' in 'field list'"
I also tried using raw query:
query = ','.join(['round((%s),2) AS %s' % (formula, ratio_name)
for ratio_name, formula in ratios.iteritems()])
companies = CompanyCode.objects.raw("""
SELECT `backend_companycode`.`id`, %s
FROM `backend_companycode`
INNER JOIN `backend_quarter` ON ( `backend_companycode`.`id` = `backend_companyquarter`.`company_code_id` )
""", [query])
#This just gives empty result
So please give me a little clue as to how I can use related columns preferably using 'extra' command. Thanks.
Ok, I found it out. In above using:
solved the problem.
Basically, to access any related model data through 'extra', we just need to ensure that that model is joined in our query. Using select_related, the query automatically joins the mentioned models.
Thanks :).
Since the calculation is being done on a single Quarter
instance, where's the need to do it in the SELECT
? You could just define a ratio
method/property on the Quarter
def quarter(self):
return self.sales_now / self.sales_previous
and call it where necessary
By now the Django documentation says that one should use extra as a last resort.
So here is a query without extra():
from django.db.models import F
growth=F('quarter__sales_now') / F('quarter__sales_previous'),