I am running the following code on ubuntu 11.10, python 2.7.2+.
import urllib
import Image
import StringIO
source = '/home/cah/Downloads/evil2.gfx'
dataFile = open(source, 'rb').read()
slicedFile1 = StringIO.StringIO(dataFile[::5])
slicedFile2 = StringIO.StringIO(dataFile[1::5])
slicedFile3 = StringIO.StringIO(dataFile[2::5])
slicedFile4 = StringIO.StringIO(dataFile[3::5])
jpgimage1 = Image.open(slicedFile1)
pngimage1 = Image.open(slicedFile2)
gifimage1 = Image.open(slicedFile3)
pngimage2 = Image.open(slicedFile4)
in essence i'm taking a .bin file that has hex code for several image files jumbled
like 123451234512345... and clumping together then saving. The problem is i'm getting the following error:
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PIL/PngImagePlugin.py", line 96, in read
len = i32(s)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PIL/PngImagePlugin.py", line 44, in i32
return ord(c[3]) + (ord(c[2])<<8) + (ord(c[1])<<16) + (ord(c[0])<<24)
IndexError: string index out of range
i found the PngImagePlugin.py and I looked at what it had:
def i32(c):
return ord(c[3]) + (ord(c[2])<<8) + (ord(c[1])<<16) + (ord(c[0])<<24) (line 44)
"Fetch a new chunk. Returns header information."
if self.queue:
cid, pos, len = self.queue[-1]
del self.queue[-1]
s = self.fp.read(8)
cid = s[4:]
pos = self.fp.tell()
len = i32(s) (lines 88-96)
i would try tinkering, but I'm afraid I'll screw up png and PIL, which have been erksome to get working.
It would appear that len(s) < 4
at this stage
len = i32(s)
Which means that
s = self.fp.read(8)
isn't reading the whole 4 bytes
probably the data in the fp you are passing isn't making sense to the image decoder.
Double check that you are slicing correctly
Make sure that the string you are passing in is of at least length 4.