In my site,i am using a facebbok api.
Whenever user clicks the login a popup will be shown ,and can login through email or facebook connect. The popup will be still there,after the first click,until the page loads.
I want only the facebook connect button in the popup to disable,after the first click.
For the popup i am using :
`$(".msg").fancybox({ showCloseButton: false, padding: 0, margin: 0
}).trigger('click'); `
**and for checking facebook login:**
if (fb) {
FB.getLoginStatus(function (response) {
if ('connected' == response.status) {
reload(url, param); --------->to reload to the mentioned page
return false;
An example at would be good in this case because I cannot really help you else. You want to disable some kind of Element inside a Popup right?
example: Your Button you want to disable is an with the class 'xy'
<fb:login-button scope="<?=FB_PERMISSIONS?>" v="2" onlogin="reload_page('<?=$page?>','<?=$param?>');" >Login</fb:login-button>
dbr 2012-04-04 06:27