I'm trying to use the range attribute.
For testing, I use a search that without range return 3 entries, and I set the range to 0-1, which should return only the first 2. However, I get all 3 results.
This is how I do it:
String rangeStr = attribute + ";range=0-1";
String returnedAttrs[] = {rangeStr, attribute};
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> answer = _context.search(name, filter, _searchControls);
List<String> result = new LinkedList<String>();
while (answer != null && answer.hasMoreElements())
Attribute currentAttr = answer.next().getAttributes().get(attribute);
if (currentAttr == null)
for (int i=0; i<currentAttr.size(); i++)
String val = currentAttr.get(i).toString();
What am I doing wrong?
I use page size of 1000, but if I understand correctly, that is not supposed to influence the ranged search (given that the page size is larger than the requested range). Is that correct?
#!/usr/bin/env python
import ldap
def msad_flatten_ranges(conn, dn, ldap_dict):
for attrname in ldap_dict:
if ';range=' in attrname:
# parse range attr
actual_attrname, range_stmt = attrname.split(';')
bound_lower, bound_upper = [
int(x) for x in range_stmt.split('=')[1].split('-')
step = bound_upper - bound_lower + 1
while True:
attr_next = '%s;range=%d-%d' % (
actual_attrname, bound_lower, bound_upper
dn, attrs = conn.search_s(
dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, attrlist = [attr_next])[0]
assert len(attrs) == 1
ret_attrname = attrs.keys()[0]
if ret_attrname.endswith('-*'):
bound_lower = bound_upper + 1
bound_upper += step