I have this
public Result SomeMethod()
Popup popup = new Popup();
popup.Closed += PopupClosedHandler;
// have to return the result from handler.
void PopupClosedHandler(EventArgs<PopupEventArgs> args)
Result result = args.Result;
I have to block SomeMethod()
call until popup is called and return the Result
from args
in the handler. I have no idea how to do this or even how to look for it. Can anyone put me in the right direction? Thanks
You want to use an EventWaitHandle.
public Result SomeMethod()
_doneHandler = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset);
Popup popup = new Popup();
popup.Closed += PopupClosedHandler;
// This will wait until it is SET. You can pass a TimeSpan
// so that you do not wait forever.
// Other stuff after the 'block'
private EventWaitHandle _doneHandler;
void PopupClosedHandler(EventArgs<PopupEventArgs> args)
Result result = args.Result;
This is crude, but should give the general idea
public Result SomeMethod()
Popup popup = new Popup();
bool called = false;
Result result = null;
popup.Closed += (args) => {
called = true;
result = args.Result;
while(!called) ;
return result;