Get Timeline Button Disabled?

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I just made a new Facebook account, and I want to add timeline. But, apparently Facebook keeps the "Get Timeline" button hidden from new users.

So how could I get around this? Javascript through the address bar or maybe just a url?

<form rel="async" ajaxify="/ajax/timeline/activate.php?action=activate&amp;ref=marketing_page" class="buttonForm" action="#" method="post" onsubmit="return Event.__inlineSubmit(this,event)">
    <input type="hidden" name="lsd" value="AVoDDmtm" autocomplete="off">
    <label class="TimelineMarketingUpgradeButton uiButton uiButtonSpecial uiButtonLarge" for="ut0eri_8">
        <input value="Get Timeline" type="submit" id="ut0eri_8">
2012-04-04 03:19
by AFerrara
You can get help from Facebook for user / account / site problems at - this is not the correct forum for those questions (see for more information - Igy 2012-05-23 17:22


You can activate Timeline from this URL:

Even if the button is hidden, accessing the page using the above URL still works.

2012-05-23 16:29
by Niraj Shah
This actually doesn't work - drc 2012-06-06 16:35
Worked for me on several occasions in the past. Facebook might have disabled the functionality - Niraj Shah 2012-06-12 10:27