I needed to send mail from my plain Flask app, so I thought the simplest way would be to send it using smtplib. But I had to do it asynchronously - you can't just insert a 3 second delay into the request - right? So I add the email to a queue (psql table), and send it from another program that reads this table and uses smptlib.
This second program (maildonkey) is running as a separate process, in an independent upstart service.
Now I need another one of those little asynchoronous services, and I'm thinking if I should write another python script (third, counting my Flask app and 'maildonkey') or should I use something like Python's 'multiprocess', or even 'threads' and rewrite the second program?
(When I was programming in Clojure, I could easily run code in a separate thread with 'futures', so normally I would do that.)
You should consider using Celery. It is very widely used in web frameworks for asynchronous processing and supports a lot of different backends like AMQP, databases etc.
Try Gevent.
You can create Greenlet object for your long task.
This greenlet is green thread.
from gevent import monkey
import gevent
from gevent import Greenlet
class Task(Greenlet):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def _run(self):
print "Task %s: some task..." % self.name
t1 = Task("long task")
# here we are waiting task
Also you can use Gevent as a server for Flask:
from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer
from yourapplication import app
http_server = WSGIServer(('', 5000), app)